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CHL No. 1042 USS Recruit - San Diego


USS Recruit Commissioned 27 July 1949, the USS Recruit (TDE-1) was the Navy's only non-sailing commissioned ship. This two-thirds scale model of a destroyer escort helped instruct thousands of naval recruits annually in basic seamanship. It was the first of three similar structures built by the navy following World War II and is the sole survivor of the three. Decommissioned 7 March 1967 when it could not be classified in a computerized naval inventory, the USS Recruit nevertheless continued to train recruits, and was reconditioned in 1982 as a training guided missle frigate. Recruits gave the structure its affectionate nickname: USS Neversail.


shopping center off of Laning Rd, at Tatnall Ln
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CHL #1042 USS Recruit