NO. 940 RANCHO GUAJOME - Formerly attached to Mission San Luís Rey, this 2,219-acre ranch was briefly owned by two mission Indians and then came into the hands of Don Abel Stearns, Ysidora Bandini acquired it on her marriage to Col. Cave Johnson Couts. The adobe ranch house, built in 1852-53, is one of the finest extant examples of the traditional Spanish-Mexican one-story hacienda with an inner-outer courtyard plan. San Diego County acquired it in 1973 for the Guajome Regional Park.
Rancho Guajome Regional Park, 2210 N Santa Fe Ave, 4 Miles East of Mission San Luis Rey, 3.3 Miles N of Vista
Open Map


CHL 940 Rancho Guajome plaque

CHL 940 Rancho Guajome Kitchen

CHL 940 Rancho Guajome Kitchen table

CHL 940 Rancho Guajome

CHL 940 Rancho Guajome El Camino Real Bell

CHL 940 Rancho Guajome Front Arcade

CHL 940 Rancho Guajome

No. 940 Rancho Guajome