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CHL No. 38 Irishtown - Amador


NO. 38 IRISHTOWN - This was an important stopping place for emigrants on their way to the southern mines. The first white settlers on this spot found it a 'city of wigwams,' and hundreds of mortars in the rocks testify that this was a favorite Indian camping ground.


On State Hwy 88 (P.M. 20.8) at Pine Grove Wieland Rd, 2.2 mi SW of Pine Grove
Open Map


We originally visited this site in August 2015. After reading in SIERRA NEVADA GEOTOURISM that the Plaque was located: "on State Hwy 88 (P.M. 20.8) at Pine Grove Wieland Rd, 2.2 mi SW of Pine Grove", we went back for a re-visit. "Today, where Irishtown used to be, is part of the community of Pine Grove." ~~~~ Sure enough, the stone marker is there, but the State Plaque is gone. You can still see the holes from the bolts that held it in place, as well as a faint outline of the state plaque. A new private plaque for Pine Grove has been mounted in its place.

NO. 38 IRISHTOWN - Street Sign