NO. 920 CASA DE SAN PEDRO - The first known commercial structure on the shore of San Pedro Bay was built here in 1823 by the trading firm of McCulloch and Hartnell to store cattle hides from the San Gabriel and San Fernando missions. Richard Henry Dana described this adobe hide house in Two Years Before the Mast. Thus began the development of the Port of Los Angeles.
Meyler and Quartermaster Rds.
Open Map
At the time of our first visit April 28, 2016, we did not know that there is a State plaque on the base.~~~~~~~ We entered the base as guests of a long time college friend who is "retired Navy". Thanks, Bill! Thanks, Dave!

NO. 920 CASA DE SAN PEDRO - The Old Casa

NO. 920 CASA DE SAN PEDRO - Plaque located near play yard.

NO. 920 CASA DE SAN PEDRO - State Plaque

NO. 920 CASA DE SAN PEDRO - State Marker

NO. 920 CASA DE SAN PEDRO - Location of plaque

NO. 920 CASA DE SAN PEDRO - Ft. MacArthur Howitzer